Hunter Biden On Moby’s Podcast: The Right “Is Trying To Kill Me”

In a two-part podcast interview with the singer Moby, Hunter Biden said that the right wing is trying to “kill me” by pushing him to fall back into drug addiction and ruin his father’s presidency. This was the day after he faced another set of criminal charges, this time for tax problems, and he talked about his battle with drugs and alcohol after losing his mother, his sister and his brother Beau, who he loved very much. He also said he was proud of being sober for four years.

“It’s extremely hard and painful to keep that up when you are the target of a hate and a fury that is both personal and worldwide,” Biden said.

The interview was done at Biden’s art studio in San Francisco before the new charges came out. He told Moby, who is his friend and also a recovering addict, how he felt ashamed of being the Biden family “fuck-up”, and how he used drugs and alcohol to hide it.

He also said he was doxed – his personal details and address were made public – by the New York Post, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and that made Trump fans with Maga hats yell at him with loudspeakers outside his home while his wife was very pregnant.

“They gave a description of where you could stand to look through the big windows,” Biden said, and that made him and his wife leave their home secretly in the night. He said Maga fans also brought a “30ft digital billboard on a flatbed truck” and put it in front of his home.

Moby and Biden became friends when they were in programs to help them with their addiction and they have been in contact every day for three years. Moby said as a joke, “I tried to be your most annoying friend” by sending him lots of texts.

Biden talked about how Roger Stone, who worked for Richard Nixon, made the wife of Edmund Muskie, who was running against Nixon, look bad – “they labelled her a drunkard” – and that helped Nixon win easily in the 1972 election. Biden said, “The times have changed but the players have not,” and he said Stone was an important helper for Donald Trump.

“They thought that the best way to make my dad lose his confidence and his ability to keep going with his campaign and his work – especially after my brother died – [was] to make him think that he could lose his son that he had just saved from almost dying, because of addiction,” he said. “So they started to attack, and attack, and attack. And you know, addiction gives them a lot of chances to do that.”

Biden said he thinks they are trying to make him look bad so that he will start using drugs again. “I am sure of this – and this may sound like some crazy exaggeration – is that they’re trying to kill me in other ways. And I won’t let them.” Biden said he does not hate Maga fans – “for an addict, anger and resentment is Kryptonite, at least for this addict” – because they have been told to hate him many times.

“If you have been told all these lies, that I am a pedophile and a sex-trafficking monster, then wouldn’t you have to hate me a lot?” he said. “Wouldn’t you have to, if you saw me in a restaurant with my two-year-old on my shoulders, in his little Chewbacca costume on Halloween, run up to me and shout in my face?”

Biden said he was the subject of many false conspiracy theories and that the rightwing media was crazy about him. “On one hand, I am a genius criminal who runs a global network, and on the other hand, I am a loser who can’t tie my shoes and I should never have done any business because I’m an idiot,” he said. “But I’m also running bioweapons labs with George Soros that are going to infect the Russians?

“That would be funny if it wasn’t so harmful.”

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