Swift is so in love that she flies as often as possible to see her new beau. The exact duration of their relationship is unclear, with some fans speculating that they first met when she went to one of his games with his mom in September this year.

Swift dismissed the timeline speculation as ‘psychotic’, saying to TIME Magazine: “By the time I went to that first game, we were a couple.

"I think some people think that they saw our first date at that game? We would never be psychotic enough to hard launch a first date.” Swift has made 12 trips this year to be with the Kansas Chief’s tight-end, which may be good for their love, but bad for the environment. The flights have consumed 12,622 gallons of jet fuel, which is estimated to cost a staggering $70,779.

According to the Instagram account ‘Taylor’s Swifts Jets’ – the singer songwriter’s flights have generated 138 tons of co2 emissions so far. The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator shows that this is similar to the energy consumption of 17 houses in a year, or the power usage of 26.9 homes for a year. To undo the environmental harm, 2,282 trees would need to be planted and grow for 10 years to balance it out.

A spokesperson for Swift stated: "Before the tour started in March of 2023, Taylor bought more than twice the carbon credits required to offset all tour travel.

"The extra credits mean that Taylor could have compensated for more than enough to cover her new romance that emerged in the middle of her sold-out tour, with her visits to Kelce increasing her carbon emissions along with her planned tour travels."Swift, 34, continues her whirlwind romance, flying to Kansas City and New York to see Kelce, as well as traveling around the world for her massive 'Era’s Tour’, where she is set to perform 151 shows on 5 continents.

The longest flight she took was from Sao Paulo to Brazil, ending in Kansas City.

The trip used up 4,151 gallons of fuel, which is thought to be worth a sickening $23,250.

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