Examining the claim: Is Taylor Swift an asset of the Pentagon, or is Jesse Watters promoting conspiracy theories?

Fox News host Jesse Watters alleges that the Pentagon has been conducting psychological operations with Taylor Swift as an asset. He stated, “Well, around four years ago, the Pentagon psychological operations unit floated turning Taylor Swift into an asset during a NATO meeting. What kind of asset? A PsyOp for combatting online misinformation.” He showed a clip of a woman addressing NATO about the potential of Taylor Swift as an online influencer to counteract false narratives and influence behavior. The woman, Alicia Marie Bargar, a research engineer in applied physics at Johns Hopkins University, was speaking at a 2019 cyber security conference organized by NATO. However, she and the other three speakers on stage had no affiliation with the Department of Defense or the United States government. They were representatives of Mozilla, the British Army, and NATO. Watters then interviewed Stuart Kaplan, a former FBI agent, who elaborated on how Swift could indoctrinate young voters to favor Joe Biden. Watters also cited some historical instances of the government exploiting musicians to sway public opinion, such as Louis Armstrong in the Congo for the CIA and Elvis Presley for Nixon’s racist war on drugs. However, it may be far-fetched to assert that Taylor Swift is a Pentagon operative assigned to persuade Swifties to vote for Joe Biden. But one should not forget, it is not beyond the realm of possibility considering what they did with Louis Armstrong and Elvis Presley. Also, One must consider that Taylor is unwittingly being used by the government as Louis Armstrong was used by the CIA in the Congo.

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