Episode 217 - Watchmen Season Finale Breakdown

On this episode of W.S.E.G., Zak Hutner returns to help give Analysis, Breakdowns, and Hidden Meanings to HBO's series, Watchmen! PeteyPedia: https://www.hbo.com/peteypedia?camp=GOOGLE%7cHTS_SEM%7cPID_p49250311139&keyword=%2Bpeteypedia+%2Bhbo&utm_id=71700000059241750&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_content=tun&gclid=CjwKCAiAluLvBRASEiwAAbX3GY-ADvzkvhO96CuPpQrHqC4J71KebtFpB8xEvVaNn-3QuWjGJwPc_xoC8rAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Find our Sponsor Moded Studios: modedstudios.com Did you think MIke and Zak should start there own podcast giving analysis to shows, movies, and pop culture? Write the show and let us know: wespeakengishgood@gmail.com www.wespeakenglishgood.com

On this episode of W.S.E.G., Zak Hutner returns to help give Analysis, Breakdowns, and Hidden Meanings to HBO's series, Watchmen!


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