Episode 61 - Suave The Kyd (Rapper)

Suave The Kyd (suavethekyd.com) is a Hip Hop artist that hails from Toledo, Ohio. While back home for the holidays, host Mike E.P was able to catch up with Suave. In this episode we talk about Dragon Ball Z, Fidget Cubes, Power Rangers, and what it means to be successful in the music business. Also, we listen to Suave's latest release "Grizzly". Go to www.reinamystique.com and sign up for the newsletter. You'll get to know stuff, and things! Rock out with your clock out and write the show: wespeakenglishgood@gmail.com Leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or where ever you get your podcast!

Suave The Kyd (suavethekyd.com) is a Hip Hop artist that hails from Toledo, Ohio. While back home for the holidays, host Mike E.P was able to catch up with Suave. In this episode we talk about Dragon Ball Z, Fidget Cubes, Power Rangers, and what it means to be successful in the music business. Also, we listen to Suave's latest release "Grizzly".

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