Episode 77 - w/ Jack Grubb & Gabriel Valentin of Digital Lizards Of Doom

On this episode of We Speak English Good we sit down with Jack Grubb and Gabriel Valentin. Jack Grubb is a writer/performer on Tonight in San Diego (https://www.tonightinsandiego.com/), Improv artist, and musician. Gabriel Valentin is the creator of Digital Lizards of Doom, an expierimental electro pop sci-fi band (dlodworld.com). We talk about improv, comic books, and comedy. Also, we listen to a track of DLOD's E.P. Dizzy Eko Makeover. Find Jack: Twitter and IG @thejackgrubb https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009308787851&sk=friends&pnref=lhc Visit www.reinamystique.com for live podcast info during the summer! Save the world and write the show: wespeakenglishgood@gmail.com Leave a review on iTunes please: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/we-sp…d1050508321?mt=2 check out the website: wespeakenglishgood.net

On this episode of We Speak English Good we sit down with Jack Grubb and Gabriel Valentin. Jack Grubb is a writer/performer on Tonight in San Diego (www.tonightinsandiego.com/), Improv artist, and musician.

Gabriel Valentin is the creator of Digital Lizards of Doom, an expierimental electro pop sci-fi band (dlodworld.com). We talk about improv, comic books, and comedy. Also, we listen to a track of DLOD's E.P. Dizzy Eko Makeover.

Find Jack:
Twitter and IG


Visit www.reinamystique.com for live podcast info during the summer!

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