Episode 50 - Ed Kornhauser (Pianist)

Ed Kornhauser, www.edkorhnauser.com , is down to do the gig. As a professional jazz pianist he has has played music internationally. On this episode, host Mike E.P. and Ed discuss travel in Asia, Ed's drinking habits, and how the pros practice. Also, we listen to a few recordings from past guest, Matt Smith's, latest release, which Ed was a part of. Check out the Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio's album "Retrograde" here https://themattsmithneujazztrio.bandcamp.com/ Be sure to follow Ed Kornhauser his website. ***Follow Mike E.P, and his family on an epic journey this summer. Subscribe for updates at www.reinamystique.com Visit us online at www.wespeakenglishgood.net .....and don't forget to send us your questions, and comments to wespeakenglishgood@gmail.com

Ed Kornhauser, www.edkorhnauser.com , is down to do the gig. As a professional jazz pianist he has has played music internationally.

On this episode, host Mike E.P. and Ed discuss travel in Asia, Ed's drinking habits, and how the pros practice.

Also, we listen to a few recordings from past guest, Matt Smith's, latest release, which Ed was a part of.

Check out the Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio's album "Retrograde" here themattsmithneujazztrio.bandcamp.com/

Be sure to follow Ed Kornhauser his website.

***Follow Mike E.P, and his family on an epic journey this summer. Subscribe for updates at www.reinamystique.com

Visit us online at www.wespeakenglishgood.net .....and don't forget to send us your questions, and comments to wespeakenglishgood@gmail.com

Subscribe to stay up to date with whatever news I have.
