Episode 68 - One Love Cali Reggae Fest-Cast PT 1 - Josh Heinrichs & Blaine Dillinger of Hirie

In part 1, of this 2 part episode, of the We Speak English Good Podcast we go back stage at the One Love Cali Reggae Fest (http://www.onelovecalifest.com/)We have the opportunity to talk with both the artists and the fans. First we Talk to the Don Carlos' (http://www.doncarlosreggae.com/) manager Jose about old gear and how he met the Don. Second we talk to Josh Heinrichs (http://www.joshheinrichs.com/) about his album "Good Vibes" and the documentary he is working on with producer & friend Miles Brown of 77 Jefferson (http://77jefferson.com/) We catch up with Adam Knopf, the owner of one San Diego's premiere dispensaries, Point Loma Patient Consumer Co-op (http://plpcc.org/) We talk about the new legal weed laws in Cali & his inspiration to start his own business. Finally, we chat with Blaine Dillinger (the guitarist for Hirie) (http://www.hiriemusic.com/) and his lovely wife wife Porsche. We talk about how Host Mike EP and Blaine have a mutual friend from Ohio and how Blaine made his way out to San Diego. We also get to hear firsthand about the unfortunate robbery that he and his band, Hirie, faced while touring through San Francisco. Go to reinamystique.com and check out what host Mike E.P will be up to this summer. Take part in a thousand mile stare and write the show at: wespeakenglishgood@gmail.com Go to wespeakenglishgood.net and check out the website! Leave a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or where ever you get you podcast.

In part 1, of this 2 part episode, of the We Speak English Good Podcast we go back stage at the One Love Cali Reggae Fest (www.onelovecalifest.com/)We have the opportunity to talk with both the artists and the fans.

First we Talk to the Don Carlos' (www.doncarlosreggae.com/) manager Jose about old gear and how he met the Don.

Second we talk to Josh Heinrichs (www.joshheinrichs.com/) about his album "Good Vibes" and the documentary he is working on with producer & friend Miles Brown of 77 Jefferson (77jefferson.com/)

We catch up with Adam Knopf, the owner of one San Diego's premiere dispensaries, Point Loma Patient Consumer Co-op (plpcc.org/) We talk about the new legal weed laws in Cali & his inspiration to start his own business.

Finally, we chat with Blaine Dillinger (the guitarist for Hirie) (www.hiriemusic.com/) and his lovely wife wife Porsche. We talk about how Host Mike EP and Blaine have a mutual friend from Ohio and how Blaine made his way out to San Diego. We also get to hear firsthand about the unfortunate robbery that he and his band, Hirie, faced while touring through San Francisco.

Go to reinamystique.com and check out what host Mike E.P will be up to this summer.

Take part in a thousand mile stare and write the show at:

Go to wespeakenglishgood.net and check out the website!

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